Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Sweetness of Being Broke

              What does a man think of a woman when he leave her speechless, hanging, and shattered?
Broke. Yes,just simply broke. B-R-O-K-E, it takes a five-letter word only. Does it matter that much?

             It doesn't. I am telling this to you, man! Who cares? If you have done it for the first time on early stage, that's better. Pain. Questions. Doubts. Of course, this will pass. I know. I have gone through  with all the versions of  melodramas in a relationship. Here was the story of rich boy met poor girl. Am Boy loved Pinay lady. Teacher- student whirlwind romance took over. They run in circle. Love grows, dies, and reborn and numbs, fatal death lures. The rituals of absorbing the pain, of crying out loud in the middle of the night, of  locking up your self to the world, of losing the power to hygienic aroma, and of running  away, anywhere, anyways are psychologically- proven  and tested by unique entities. They become unique because they bestowed the power to perceive the  beauty of being broke. The sweetness of the pain it caused  by any woman. Once, a woman sees her innate character in times of love adversities, she is rightfully to be called as a win-woman. That man who left her? His bound to be in an oblivion. He can reconcile with Hades or even bribe the messenger for an "ololong". Ha-ha! Sly. Meanish. What cha ma call it, B-R-O-K-E?
I am proud of my heart . It is been played, cheated, burned, and broken. But somehow, it still works. I am a beautiful woman.

            Aah, not anymore. A woman is unfit for the title. A woman of today is bound to be broke-free. No more side swings and sleepless nights. A Woman is stronger, fiercer, and bolder.  A Woman knows when to say  Stop, Look, and Listen. A  Woman is a maker of her own destiny. If any man  desires to fall her in love, so she has the idea already that it will eventually fall out of love, later or sooner. Only the maker can tell. But what is truly sure of, is her  openness to the possibility that it takes rarely a woman to find such an eternal man that will be at her side at all times, in all places, and in all ways.